Posts tagged onboarding
How to Use a Wait List to Your Benefit

There are several dozen psychological triggers that can help increase your sales and one of my favorites is scarcity. For interior designers we have a limited amount of time and creativity to service clients, without wearing ourselves out or bringing in help. We naturally have a limited bandwidth. This is where you can use scarcity and a wait list to your benefit.

I have to mention, because I know that many people are going to feel a little resistance on this topic, that many designers I know have a scarcity mindset. It’s a bit of a natural state when you own your own business.

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Understanding the Client's Design Aesthetic

Here's a question I've been thinking about as I just signed a client and encountered this situation.  How do you navigate the beginning of the concept & design process with a client who has almost zero reference points?  Who can't identify a style they like, doesn't have inspiration images, doesn't provide many answers on questionnaire, and house is essentially a blank slate?  Especially if this is an e-design client and you can't go through a laborious process of discovery?  I'd be curious to hear your thoughts.  



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Should You Charge for a Design Consultation?

How to handle that first meeting with a client is a source of contention with many designers.  How long?  When?  Where?  What information should you get?  How much information should you give?

Like running any business, there is not a single best answer.  Everyone does it a little different and you can too.  In my experience, it is best to get to know the client's needs before meeting with them in person.  I have a lengthy client questionnaire that potential clients are required to fill out before I have an in-person meeting with them.  Reading their answers gives me a better idea of what they are looking for and what they need.  At this point I can also let them know if I don't think I am the right designer for them - all without ever meeting them in person.  If we decide to proceed with an in-person meeting/ consultation…

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