six degrees audrey of french knot studios featured on capella kincheloe interior design phoenix

Six Degrees is a series asking the same 15 questions of bloggers, business owners, and creative entrepreneurs.  Our communities have become larger and the world has become smaller.  It’s only a few steps from me to you to these fabulous humans I have featured today.  

Audrey Wagner King of

French Knot Studios

in Savannah, Georgia is an event designer, art director, and photo stylist.  She creates memorable weddings and parties as well as inspirational photo shoots and content for other blogs.  Audrey, along with Izzy Hudgins, is the co-editor for the online magazine,

Let's Play, Dear

, about fashion, parties, style through few words, and lots of pictures.

What should people not miss when visiting your town? 

Savannah, Georgia is one of the most charming places in the whole country!  With giant oak trees and a beautiful historic district, it's hard to pick just one highlight.  The granola and yogurt at Coffee Fox/Foxy Loxy is delicious to get your day of sightseeing started.  Then my favorite stores to visit are Satchel (for handmade purses), Terra Cotta (for the cutest clothes, shoes, and accessories), and Paris Market (for a peppermint seltzer and lots of eye candy to inspire your world)

What motivates you? 

When inspiration strikes for my next great idea I can't help but get to work.  Either from chatting with a couple about their upcoming event, or coffee with Izzy, the idea factory is always running.

What skill or talent  do you wish you had?  

Less procrastination, and better time management.  Everything always seems to take a little longer then I think it will.  Probably because I get distracted by shiny things.

What is your idea of perfect happiness? 

"Perfect happiness", wow.  I'm pretty happy right now!  Though not sure anyone would deem it perfection.  I enjoy what I'm doing, and although more gigs/money would always be great, new opportunities are always presenting themselves.  Our home renovations are reaching the end of the very long list.  And my husband is the sweetest, most supportive man I've ever met.  So having him in my corner to cheer me on, give me hugs and take me out to dinner when I'm too busy to cook is wonderful!

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy? 

Pay off my student loans and the house (agh, so practical).  Then a wild adventure in India, Asia, and Europe.  That may be a couple of adventures.

Go-to comfort food?

Bojangels cajun filet biscuit combo with seasoned fries and sweet tea!

Favorite flavor?

In coffee, hazelnut.  In ice cream, mint chocolate.  In pizza, pepperoni, pineapple, black olive.

What is your ideal work environment?  

My studio is pretty special.  I have a huge crystal chandelier, air conditioning, and a pile of audio books from the library.

Who is your dream collaboration?  

My BFF and brilliant photographer, Izzy Hudgins, and I would love to work with Anthropologie on a look book for Anthro, BHLDN, and Terrain.  That would be a fabulous experience.

Person you'd like to switch bodies with for a day?

Does it have to be a person?  I've always thought being a house cat would be so idyllic!  Sleeping all day, no one bothering you, and no worries.

When do you pretend the most? 

Um, everyday!  My job is about creating events for life celebrations and sets for photos.  So I'm always playing pretend and inventing new environments for others to play in, or delight in through photos.

Where would you like to have a second home?

I've never understood the desire to have a second home.  The people I know who have one always talk about the work and upkeep you must do before your vacation can start.  I've also traveled and moved a fair amount, and there's always something wonderful about every place I've been.  So I'd rather see somewhere new every time.  If I HAVE to buy something, it would be a condo/room on that huge cruise ship/yacht that travels the world, so your second home travels too.  Then you just fly to catch up with it.

In what conditions do you thrive?

From years of working in theater, I'm pretty good at internalizing stress and working quickly, so as much as I despise the anxiety of waiting until the last-minute, I find it often leads to moments of brilliance.  But I do enjoy the view of my backyard from my computer and studio space, having something in the background (radio, TV, or audio book), and visits from friends and fellow artists for constructive critiques of my next master plan.  And flowers!  I love arranging flowers!

 Without using typical identifiers (ex: demographics, mom, wife, blogger, careers) how would you describe yourself?

A dreamer with a knack for making things work (though often not the official text-book way).  Thinking outside the box is a great thing!

What is your motto?

Lovely things are my favorite things.


French Knot Studios photos by Izzy Hudgins Photography

All photos from this post were taken by

Izzy Hudgins Photography


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