Multiple Revenue Streams for Interior Designers

Want to diversify your interior design business? Here are multiple ways to make more money.

Creating more than one way to make money in your interior design business is like diversifying your portfolio.  If something takes a downturn you have other places where money is coming in.  

On the other hand, I don't want you to complicate your business so much that it becomes unmanageable or overwhelming.  Too much on your plate and business becomes messy and you won't be able to do anything well.  

Below are some ideas on how to add multiple revenue streams into your interior design business.  A caveat, if you want to add anything, you should be able to create it and then set it and forget it.  Meaning that if you create an information product, then create an automated system for selling it.  It should be able to run in the background without any work from you.  Even if you create a package within your design business, it should be so polished that when someone buys that package you can pretty much execute it in your sleep.  You know exactly what steps to take, you have them clearly written down and it takes exactly as long as you planned.  

These are things you can run on autopilot.  Running a business is already time-consuming enough, you don't want to add more stress, you want these revenue streams to help you get some passive income.  

Information Products

These are ebooks, ecourses, video series, books, workbooks, subscriptions, manuals, special reports, DVDs.  Essentially you are selling your knowledge in some physical/digital form.  Things like the 50 Best Paint Colors or How to Measure Windows for Curtains or a video series on DIY interior design. Sample:


If you do something really well and can do it quickly it would make a good package.  The most obvious is color consultation package.  Create a 2-day paint selection package where you provide color boards.  Know a ton about window coverings?  Create a window covering only package where you visit the client's home for two hours with your source books and leave with a check for the treatments. Sample:

Day Rates

This is one of my personal favorites.  If you have a client that wants just a little help, day rates can be a quick way to make money.  You start at the client's in the morning and they can pick your brain about anything in their house, you can shop together online and you can save everything to a shared Pinterest board for them to purchase.  Everything is done on that single day and you have no obligation once you leave, unless that is part of your package.


This one only works if you can design fast.  But clients can buy an edesign for the room they want to do and you provide them with a design plan and sourcing information for product.  This should be a well-oiled machine and you should be very clear on what you are delivering to the client.  Sample:


I think this one is the most troublesome - shipping, customer service, returns, inventory - but it is an option.  Make custom pillows?  Have a great rug source?  Have a sixth sense about antiques?  You can do this on a site like Etsy or build it right into your own website.  Sample:

Who out there already has some multiple revenue streams built into their business?  Want to share with the group?